What mood is this?
I've been in a strange mood lately... I feel like making something, but I don't know what. No project OTN or even in my Ravelry que interests me. I go toss stuff around the craft room hoping something will catch my eye...nothing yet.
Its technicaly spring, shouldn't I be casting on new projects like bunnies? What is up with this mood and when will it go away?
I leave you with a picture of one spoiled puppy girl:
Shea says "I'm so comfy on the couch, come give me cuddles"
Its technicaly spring, shouldn't I be casting on new projects like bunnies? What is up with this mood and when will it go away?
I leave you with a picture of one spoiled puppy girl:

Sounds like you might be a bit burned out? Hang in there, the mojo always returns! :o)
Aww Shea, I'll be right there to give you cuddles :-)
Maybe the mood is just the change of the seasons. Hang in there, Charity's right, the mojo always returns :-)
just gall-bladder. non-fatal, except you wish that it were.
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