So, so, so behind
Yes that's a big honkin HOLE in their crate that, by the way, is already clamped shut at the seam.Shea says "I was sleepin"Paladin says" um, Hi Mommy!"The terrible 2. That's what I'm calling them. Destroyed yarn, roving, and played in the plants so they were MUDDY! ack!
We now have a titanium metal crate for daytime use when I'm working out of the house. But aren't they cute? 12 weeks old and almost 30 pounds!
Mean while, I have completed a swing top, a pair of Silk Garden Wristers, a pair of Andean Silk wristers, the Forest Canopy Cowel and a half-pipe hat. I've updated my Ravelry with everything if you want to see. If not, lookit this:
much cuteness!!!! Noolie SPUN and KNIT this for The Mayor. He likes it very much and it will be super warm to wear in the snow that we finally got (today), which btw is The Mayor's birthday. 7 years old. yikes! I told him to stop now, he's reached maximum cuteness. He can stay 7 forever....... (if only he could)