Hello, Merry Christmas and I'm done.

Saturday my order came in from Simply Sock Yarn company (quick shipping) and I was able to finish Mr. Wonderful's Gentleman's Socks! wh00t!
Obvisouly they are a bit big for me... but you get the idea
I lovelovelove this pattern! Even though I ran out of Trekking, it was worth it. They really are manley socks. The sitch pattern is so clever without being crazy or boring. I was even able to knit on them while the Mayor had karate. So be warned if you make a man's size 9 sock, you will need a little extra! (I already have plans for the rest of this color 90 Trekking)
That's it! I'm all ready for Santa and now I'm knitting on Alpaca Sox for ME! Oh I did a bit of spinning too, but I'll save those pics for later.
Have a Very Merry Christmas everyone!
Labels: dickey, Mr Wonderful, socks