Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Swim Lessons
The last jump off the diving board this swim session. Maybe the next camera will have sound!
Labels: the Mayor
I'm a wuss

I went here on Trish's recomindation. She got an R rating! No wonder I don't have any readers and she has bunches. I'll have to "beef up" the content. hhmmmm, wonder what I can do....
Stay tuned!
Labels: blog stuff
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Its My Birthday!

Oma Blu gave this to me the other day..... its supposed to go in the garden and LIGHTS UP at dusk! I say supposed to because since his arrival he has been a night light in my bedroom. He is too cute to go outside (yet).
Another suprise arrived in yesterday's mail:
From Trish at Knittin' and Lovin' It ! A card drawn by her daughter (so cute!), a bag of Camo Hershey's Kisses (who knew? and now The Mayor's favorite) And this:
Fleece Artist Sock Yarn in the color Marine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wuh-hoooo! Its perfect and I couldn't have picked a better color myself. I'm thinking these are going to be Monkey's or Jaywalker's , what do you think? Of course nowI need to speed throught the "Socks of Love" so I can cast on for ME!
Now, off to playgroup, swim lessons and Karate.......
Keep Knitting and stay cool
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
She told me to do it....
Um OK I say.
She asks, "Do you have any idea how this wonderful thing was done? I must make one"
So I go about explaining wet felting with roving and just making a ball and adding on to it, then ta-da felt ball. Easy, right?
Well, we pick colors and off she goes to her kitchen to make felted balls (wonder what kind of Google hits that will get me!).
It didn't work. My bad. I didn't realize she had never worked with roving AT ALL and did not know to pull and fluff a bit before making her ball..... and was getting things that did indeed look like balls (if you know what I mean)( or maybe heineys.)
Annoyed and frustrated she hands back the wool to me and says "Here, You Do It"
And because she is a good woman and I like to humor her I said "OK".
Bit by bit I built the ball (more Google hits) she wanted BUT refused to cut.

"I'll bring everything over and YOU do it" I said.

I felt a little woozy as she electric knifed into the beautiful ROUND ball.But it was good.
And she is happy.
They needed a bit of wet felting to smooth the cut, but look good. In fact sitting on her kitchen window sill, they look like woolly geodes. Ultimately, one will be gifted to a sewing friend as a pin cushion and the other will stay with herself to sit on the sill and look like a geode
OTN: the 2nd sock of love, a gift for a friend and planning projects
Other than that.... its swim lessons every day. The humidity is high and my brain is leaking out my ears, really. You would think I'd be better at updating, but my brain is MUSH.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Go Team!
Anybody have a good name for our team? (prizes for the best name!)
Anyway, my time is being spent surfing my teammates blogs and catching up on email. I finally finished the first Sock of Love (black 1x1 ribbing dress sock for The Mr) and cast on the second. Also now that I have A NEW CAR, the Mayor and I have been running around catching up on stuff and of course swim lessons- daily. Yes once a day every day for 2 weeks, its a great program run by a local university. The only problem is that the pool in indoors and is LIKE A SAUNA. I've come home each afternoon completely wiped out. It took me almost all week to realize, "hey, I've been sitting in a sauna for an hour, maybe that's why I'm tired". Duh.
I have 2 other knit projects that are gifts, so will not be posted (till after). I did get to visit with Scooter this week! I'll post later how that went....
If you happen to be a teammate, Big Hi fives! See you in the forum!
Talk soon
Labels: dish rag tag
Monday, June 18, 2007
Done, Done and Done

Labels: FO's
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Saturday Sky

OTN: weaving in ends for the Mitered Square Rug, another cotton bunny and the Monthly dishcloth KAL.
Stay Cool
Labels: Saturday Sky
Friday, June 15, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Saturday Sky

Still working on the Mitered square rug... on square 10 of 15 .
Stay cool and Just.Keep.Knitting

Labels: Saturday Sky
Thursday, June 07, 2007
My dog done gone and lost his mind....
He could not get enough! Every stream or path to a stream he ran skippity-hop!
He ran over the little bridges back and forth. You can see him in the top left corner in the pic below.
It really is a beautiful park and I'm so lucky its close by! As we were heading back to the car, I was told by the park "ranger" to put him back on leash. (insert patented RC eye roll of annoyance) Yes, yes I understand there are rules. He is a big dog. He was only off leash as long as nobody was around and going back ON leash to get to the car. I just felt she had nothing better to do right then and wanted to exercise her "power" . Oh well. Its tough walking a German Shepherd- lots of people are afraid. Anyway...
Next up the current WIP- the Mitered Square Rug from Interweave, scroll down for the pdf. This is so much fun and totally functional BUT... the blue/turquoise does not look the same in the family room as it did at AC Moore. doh. BUT I'm enjoying the process so much, I'm just going to keep knitting and put it in the gift tote. I already have plans for 2 more!
Stay Cool and Keep Knitting.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Dishcloth Kick

Lastly there has been spinning....136 yards of roughly fingering weight, spun from batt Amanda gave me. I really love this wool.. so springy! I got a bit more and am hoping to be able to knit socks for The Mr. (on the list)
Oh and look over to the right side bar... I put up a Flickr badge with the shop stuff. If you are interested in anything, just email me for shipping. I'll combine items too! I can take Paypal or money order.
Next up: Mitered Square Rug from Interweave, scroll down the page for the pdf.
Labels: Dishcloth
Sunday, June 03, 2007
May Spare Square Drawing plus June Prize

Since June is my birth month, I figured I would get a little fancy with the prize: a silver ring & bracelet plus some nice Bath & Body lotion. How's that?

Labels: drawings, prizes, spare squares
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Saturday Sky

Labels: Saturday Sky